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In fact, the fields are exactly the regular local rings of dimension 0.
In particular, it is a regular local ring of dimension n.
In particular, if is a prime power, then is a local ring.
A regular local ring is an example of such a ring.
The local ring in question is then the carrier of the formal moduli.
In the local ring case, it does matter.
Local rings play a major role in valuation theory.
The following is an example (due to Bass) of a local ring which is right but not left perfect.
It had such a nice local ring to it.
In other words, it suffices to consider local rings.
Let M be a finitely generated module over a local ring.
Then R is a finite local ring which is not principal.
Local rings arise in geometry as the germs of functions at a point.
At a foundational level we must use the second style of definition, to describe what a local ring means in a category.
For an element x of the local ring R, the following are equivalent:
A projective module over a local ring is free.
Local algebra - a term sometimes applied to the theory of local rings.
Over a local ring, one can say more about module epimorphisms:
Every field is a regular local ring.
A is a finite product of commutative Artinian local rings.
All complete Noetherian local rings, and in particular all fields, are excellent.
A ring with a unique maximal left ideal is a local ring.
A local ring announcer was used instead of the usual Bruce Buffer.
Other local rings have unique generic and special points, but a more complicated spectrum, since they represent general dimensions.
A property is said to be local if it can be detected from the local rings.