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We also need to achieve better cooperation with local factors at all levels.
Local factors were considered to be the main reason for the defeats.
In the Assembly, most of the losses had to do with local factors.
After allowing for local factors, some areas have up to 50% more admissions than would be expected.
So I look for local factors that might be a common denominator before the town was lost.
Various local factors and general fear of the future.
Of course, there were local factors at work, too, in the overseas market declines.
These merchants sometimes had local factors who would buy and sell on their behalf.
To be sure, there were also local factors at work that had a determining impact in all the major races.
These topics are also certainly discussed from the perspectives of local factors.
He attributed problems in some states to local factors.
Other local factors, such as altitude and climate, can also significantly affect play.
It is more a function of specific local factors maintaining upward pressure on prices.
In each case, the outcome was determined by decisive local factors, but I sure didn't have much positive influence.
"I thought you were selling it to local factors."
The situation underlines the strength of the local factors upon these districts.
The most plausible theory is that India's elections are still on the basis of local factors.
The actual recipe depends on available raw materials and other local factors.
Some local factor may have triggered it into an active state slightly earlier here - a dietary difference, maybe.
And local factors which may affect future conversion rates.
The supply of wooden shingles was therefore no longer limited by local factors.
It generally incorporates local factors under a relatively unified framework.
Barnes' constraints, local factors, and management issues pushed the Foundation near bankruptcy by the 1990s.
The aspects that make European regions into an attractive environment in terms of innovation are the knowledge available, the labour market and other local factors.
Local factors such as aspect, altitude, proximity to the sea also complicate the matter.