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Now it began to look more like living matter than part of a machine.
There was bound to be at least some living matter from the other side.
"I'm talking about nothing less than the end of all living matter.
Then he felt something, but it wasn't vaguely living matter.
"Only with some living matter other than my husband."
She didn't even know if there really was something like living matter anywhere inside their metal bodies.
Cell, in biology, the basic unit of all living matter.
So far I have not attempted to pass living matter through the screen."
There is no reason to think that the laws of physics are violated in living matter.
What is the single common ancestor from which all living matter on our planet derives?
Not simply occupied by something living, but entirely made of living matter.
Only physiologists like us have any right to occupy ourselves about living matter.
They don't ask - though they should - why living matter groups itself into organisms in the first place.
Quite obviously, shooting electrons through the substance destroyed living matter.
I was a bit like the paint or plaster - living matter, that which allowed him to create."
"It was formed from living matter, just like coal or petroleum!
Alas, a decade later, spacecraft visited Mars and found no living matter.
How can you be living, when no part of you is living matter?
Typically dark and funny living matter, unfortunately suspended by Gray's suicide last year.
Upon examining it, they discover that it is living matter.
For this reason, it has been widely supposed that the dark patches are in fact due to living matter."
Animate or living matter on the other hand has a highly complicated structure and is capable of very involved behaviour.
"Apparently it is an extremely complex protein compound, only one very small step below living matter.
In the most unlikely ecological niche, on almost every world, we find something that qualifies as living matter.