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The pressure potential in a living plant cell is usually positive.
He doesn't understand how good it feels to have the living plants against my skin.
The live plants inside have been on their way for some time and the sooner they get air, the better.
I never thought of having live plants in the doll house.
The number of living plants is estimated at fewer than 300.
It is therefore one of the oldest living plants in the world.
Change the way proteins created a living plant or animal.
The first office spotted with a light on had a live plant hanging in the window.
This is a difficult endeavor when working with living plants and animals.
When living plants drop their leaves in winter, levels of the gas increase.
In an instant the illusion of living plants seemed suddenly real.
"It looks as if you've done weaving work with a living plant."
Usually the living plants slow things down, and their seeds speed them up.
From a distance the patterns hardly seemed to be living plants at all.
This is the largest collection of living plants and animal species in the world.
More use of the live plants which he had assembled would have been preferred.
"It's like a live plant and then suddenly nobody's going to water it anymore," he said.
Living plants tend to put out more toxins at night.
Live plants may be used as hiding places for the fry.
He could create an entire living plant from the smallest cell sample.
She has the ability to assimilate with other living plants or animals.
Other live plants, however, are not necessary although they may assist in maintaining water quality.
We were not meant to live in the absence of green living plants."
Wines, some kind of exotic art with living plants, drugs.
Tim, "was to tell the story of plant evolution, where possible using live plants."