Every local politician, from the municipal court candidates to the United States Congressman, has been smiling madly all week, handing out litter bags and pencils, calendars and nail files.
The company responded by sending his group a computer valued at $2,500 and litter bags to help in its cleanup efforts.
Included are a substantial assortment of beverages (cocoa mix, instant coffee, energy drink powder, and herbal teas), plus thin sliced rye bread and chocolate, chewing gum, a vitamin tablet, and litter bags.
Orders for essentials like posters and yard signs are good, according to Herbert Barker, president of the Barker Specialty Company, a printer in Cheshire, Conn., but almost nobody is buying novelties like emblazoned litter bags, refrigerator magnets and pencils.
He finished his beer and pushed the empty plastic can into the litter bag.
He picked up a green malachite compact from the pile of stuff that had been in Christine's purse, opened it, lifted out the powder puff, took out the cake of powder, dropped them both in the litter bag that hung on the dashboard.
The answers were many: paths connecting all the parks so people could in-line skate around the city; litter bags at park entrances so people could clean up after their pets, and after other, less thoughtful, humans; parks open after sunset during the summer.
She finished the last of the espresso and tossed the cup into the small litter bag.
Her lower lip could have served as a bookshelf, and her chin a hook for a litter bag.