Utterance received a fairly warm reception from literary reviewers.
However, Frank Norris, who was working as a reader at Doubleday, sent a few copies to literary reviewers.
He wrote two books on military matters and served as a literary reviewer for a leading Indian daily The Statesman.
Karnabatt still worked at Minerva newspaper, earning the sympathy of other literary reviewers.
When Walpole admitted to his authorship in the second edition, its originally favourable reception by literary reviewers changed into rejection.
Of course the literary reviewers in London didn't pick it up.
Fortunately, the new crop on the kitchen bookshelf offers several books that are what more literary reviewers call a good read.
The novel has received mixed reviews from professional literary reviewers.
He continues to write as a literary reviewer for The Australian newspaper.
Author in 1955 of "Soviet Chess Problems", by profession he was a theatrical and literary reviewer.