Such paid literary apprenticeships, with standards of performance so low, don't exist anymore.
By the time Andre has completed his literary apprenticeship and become a successful author, he has acquired a new set of domestic complications as well.
Far From the Madding Crowd brought this period of literary apprenticeship to a triumphant close.
In his office, Hill keeps files full of letters that mark his long literary apprenticeship.
I remembered the grey days of my literary apprenticeship, and I shivered at the thought that I must go through them again.
Knister served his literary apprenticeship in the American midwest and his poetry, like Carl Sandburg's, was regional and realistic.
However, since we're being such sticklers for accuracy, why did Mr. Stein place Twain's literary apprenticeship in "the frontier newspaper offices of Nevada City"?
James's forbidding, magisterial shadow - his idea that art mattered more than life - loomed over Ms. Ozick's long literary apprenticeship.
After a literary apprenticeship, a marriage, and the birth of a son, he moved to Vienna for three years.
There is, in fact, a long and fascinating history of literary apprenticeship.