In an attempt to confirm the content of his collection of recordings, Raudive invited listeners to hear and interpret them.
Some listeners interpreted the lyrics as blaming the Jews for crucifying Christ.
Ambiguity arises from the possibility that the listener might interpret the meaning differently from what the speaker intended.
I want to fall into that calm, that flow," the lawyer said with what the listener interpreted as outright yearning.
"He may not be a politician," the President said in what many listeners interpreted as a less-than-ringing endorsement.
Some listeners, in fact, are interpreting it as a song about statutory rape or sexual exploitation.
That is why the listener can interpret for themselves.
What every listener interprets of the song is personal and there is not a correct interpretation, they are all correct.
Unlike Morse-coded signals, a human listener could not interpret a radio telegraph message.
However he stated that the listeners should interpret the ultimate meaning for themselves.