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For this reason they have often been called liquid crystals.
"In two or three years it took over global leadership of the liquid crystal field."
The liquid crystal display also shows the time a message is received.
The model's liquid crystal screen can be difficult to read in dim light.
It is much more difficult to grow and lay down so many liquid crystals.
There are various other ways of alignment in liquid crystals.
Other types of liquid crystals are described in the main article on these states.
The company applies research in liquid crystals to create new products.
The structure of liquid crystals can be changed by electric current.
Liquid crystal started by destroying any other technology in watches, he said.
And liquid crystals have a difficult time blocking light at all angles.
But just what are these things called liquid crystals?
Usually they play a role only in liquid crystals.
The effect is created by using two liquid crystal display screens, one in front of the other.
Research on flat, or liquid crystal, television isn't exactly news.
The performance is based on active matrix liquid crystal display technology.
Any attempt to do so would be like pressing on a liquid crystal display.
The resolution of liquid crystal sensors is in the 0.1 C range.
The real science lies in the liquid crystals beneath the glass surface.
Other liquid crystal materials change color when stretched or stressed.
His primary contribution to physics was in the field of liquid crystals.
The economy comes at a price: there is no liquid crystal display on the camera to show what the pictures look like.
Above them was a liquid crystal display on top.
The liquid crystal display showed an outline in bright green.
In practice, this is achieved by passing light through a liquid crystal screen.