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Since then the lines of authority have become less clear.
The line of authority is as I have described it.
If a constitutional line of authority is wrong, he would say, let's get it right.
If more than one individual is involved, then the lines of authority between these individuals must be clearly drawn.
“Even on the government side, the lines of authority are not clear.
"And yet in fact he's very sensitive to lines of authority."
There are clear lines of authority, even in its most remote communities.
Because there is a clear line of authority now moving in our direction."
B1.2 How to clarify who the client is and the lines of authority.
I would also probably quit because the lines of authority obviously have broken down.
Indeed, new lines of authority could make these uncertainties worse.
This reversed a line of authority dating back 400 years.
In our tentative view, the second line of authority is to be preferred.
He has clarified the lines of authority in each division.
"It's going to lead to conflict unless lines of authority are clearly drawn."
"Lines of authority must be clearly drawn and athletes given greater responsibility," he wrote.
Sorting out lines of authority and communication can be complex.
The lines of authority weren't clear and the program managers continually went to Council behind her back.
This equality in responsibility may conflict with traditional lines of authority.
"I think sometimes in public schools the lines of authority are blurred.
Clear lines of authority need to be reiterated on a regular basis.
Alerts the public to danger and gives a clear line of authority.
In Japanese culture the lines of authority are very clear, but the senior individual will also seek consensus.
Replacing formal lines of authority with personal knowledge and skill.
But lines of authority were anything but clear Thursday night.