Note the limestone statue of St Wenceslas on the cornice.
I'm surrounded by an army of these limestone statues, bodies risen from the calcified remains of ancient sea creatures.
The limestone statues on the tomb in the nave are an idealised representation made one generation after their death, between 1230 and 1240.
His main monument is a limestone statue found at Abydos, now in the Cairo Museum, providing a long list of titles.
Could a 1,600-pound marble and limestone statue some 2,500 years old withstand all these jolts and shocks?
Many limestone statues and building surfaces have suffered severe damage due to acid rain.
The tomb was excavated in 1914 and several large limestone statues were found in the serdab.
Meritamen is well known for her beautiful limestone statue, the White Queen found at the Ramesseum, the temple complex her father had built.
His favorite was a 19th-century limestone statue of St. Andrew that used to stand in Westminster Abbey.