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It usually lived in marine lime mud and sands.
Wackestone consists of more than 10% grains, supported by a lime mud.
It has very good temperature stability and prevents solidification of lime muds near 150 C.
These became coated with layers of lime mud, and formed small balls (less than 0.5 mm diameter).
Packstone contains lime mud and is grain supported.
Lime is added to the green liquor, which creates lime mud and white liquor.
Lime mud indicates presence and growth of organisms whose calcified parts are mud-sized crystalites.
Micrite is a term used to describe lime mud, carbonate of mud grade.
The organic material that resulted contributed lime mud, which thickened and hardened into massive amounts of limestone.
Mudstone contains less than 10% grains (usually assessed by area in cut or thin section), supported by a lime mud.
Most dolostones formed as a magnesium replacement of limestone or lime mud prior to lithification.
Key words: lime mud residue, recaust, tailings, acid mine drainage, flooding, water cover.
The allochems are typically embedded in a matrix of micrite (lime mud) or sparry calcite.
Moderate amounts of silicates can be controlled with purging lime mud or lime kiln ash.
The limestone rock at Drumbally Hill was formed as a lime mud onn the floor of a shallow, tropical sea.
This process water, also known as "weak white liquor" is composed of all liquors used to wash lime mud and green liquor precipitates.
However, the pellets produced from lime mud appear to have greater strength than those produced from pure CaCO3.
In the shallow tropical seas that covered North America, coral reefs flourished and thick beds of lime mud were deposited on the sea floor.
McCoy asked, watching the force field from outside the circle Spock had gouged in the lime mud of the cavern floor to mark the safety perimeter.
During the Proterozoic, the stromatolite's compositions were dominated by micrite and thinly laminated lime mud, with thickness no more than 100 microns.
The phosphatized sediment crust was then broken into small fragments by heavy current activity and then redeposited and mixed in with adjacent lime muds.
Billions of minute crystals of precipitated calcium carbonate (called Calcite) accumulated forming lime mud (called micrite) which covered the sea floor.
Lime muds deposited by turbidity currents coming from the north suggest the Anticosti active carbonate platform as the source area for the White Head Formation.
Micrite is a limestone constituent formed of calcareous particles ranging in diameter up to 4 μm formed by the recrystallization of lime mud.
Carbonates such as bioturbated wackstone and oxygen poor lime mud accumulate atop the underlying lowstand systems tract sandstones in the basin and on the slope.
As such, the manual addresses concerns about the long term chemical stability of lime sludge.
K060 Ammonia still lime sludge from coking operations.
Storage of lime sludge at 28 °C for up to 48 h produced no appreciable reduction in the virus titre.
Recent studies have indicated that lime sludge is stable, as defined by waste regulations, if disposed of in a pond-type environment.
In plants practicing lime softening, a major source of residuals is lime sludge.
Main ingredients include fly ash, water, quicklime or lime sludge, cement, aluminum powder and gypsum.
While there is some perception that the addition of lime sludge to a tailings impoundment area may provide buffering capacity, this has yet to be validated.
In addition, the dried lime sludge residue, left over as a result of the production of potable water, can be used in land application programs for soil pH adjustment.
A by-product of this process is alum sludge or lime sludge, which is disposed of in the mill landfill site or land spread for soil stabilization.
Many mine sites choose to dispose of lime sludge with mill tailings to reduce the waste disposal resources required to dispose of tailings and sludge separately.
However, in view of the limitations of techniques for virus recovery from sludge, only a small portion of the infectious virus present in lime sludge may have been detected.
• Town of Carman - $603,000 - Water Treatment Plant Upgrade The water treatment plant will be upgraded to include a rotary drum vacuum filter to properly treat the lime sludge residue.
The need for long-term water treatment for the North Pit overflow was confirmed during the review process, and there is now a commitment from the Proponent to build and operate a high-density lime sludge treatment facility over the long term.