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"Sure there are," she said, sitting up with the easy limberness of youth.
Once upright, he released my hand and rolled his shoulders to limberness again.
This move pays off thanks to the depth and limberness of her characterizations.
Though undoubtedly the play is more amusing in performance than on paper, one should not overlook the limberness of the writing.
Mistherd rose and cautiously flexed limberness back into his muscles.
Betty and the gang use their newfound limberness to dance and sing.
Mr. Saulnier does have the right kind of musical limberness when he chooses to use it.
WHO marooned in middle age hasn't daydreamed about once again having the limberness and heart-pumping efficiency of a 30-something body?
The actors lack the linguistic limberness synonymous with the work of Mr. Stoppard.
"I like listening to people, watching people," the codger explained as he sat cross-legged before them, displaying a surprising limberness.
She made a nice recovery by flashing into airtight spins and displaying the limberness of string cheese on her mind-bending split jumps.
Mary checks herself for attitude, her day's variation from status alertness (a sleepless night convinces her there's probably some deficit here) and limberness.
Her thighs were almost at right angles to her body, with her knees nearly touching the carpet; young children and gymnasts seem to share the same limberness.
Dykstra, who long ago lost his limberness because of injury and his inflated pectorals, awkwardly muscled his way into his unirform.
Flexibility or limberness refers to the absolute range of movement in a joint or series of joints, and length in muscles that cross the joints.
He shows large drawings from the mid-1980's, and while their main element is bold charcoal line, they demonstrate a limberness and flexibility not found in his hard-edge paintings.
It may have referred to an incredible physical flexibility; Ivar was a renowned warrior, and perhaps this limberness gave rise to the popular notion that he was "boneless".
In Junior (Army) R.O.T.C., one event of the physical-training test is the V-sit, an exercise that tests limberness and flexibility.
The production, using an adaptation by Joseph Brodsky that abbreviates the text, retains the author's linguistic limberness at the same time that it adds sprightly physical comedy.
As he amply demonstrated in "On the Verge," Eric Overmyer is a playwright with a linguistic limberness to rival that of Tom Stoppard.
Mr. Pankow has all the limberness of a natural con man (though the character may be the real thing) and Mr. Rothman self-mockingly repeats trendy jargon.
I could count on three or four more days of torment before, I hoped, the limberness would come back, along with the hardened belly and lost pounds and unjangled nerves.
It seemed to increase my feeling of limberness and innocence and I fended off sleep to listen to it with the attention and curiosity with which we follow music.
With the wonderful limberness of youth, she brought her legs up and opened them, then wrapped her arms around the back of her knees - which were almost even with her ears.
She was once again unaware of the pain in her shoulders as cartilage stretched and joints which had long since forgotten the limberness of twenty-one were pressed almost to the point of dislocation.