After he had made certain that no other aircraft was in the area, he dropped with lightning swiftness into the depths.
With lightning swiftness, Anigrel reached out and grabbed them.
Talamon had heard every word and put things together with lightning swiftness.
He sensed that ghostly extraneous thought current leave her mind with lightning swiftness.
At the same time something happened that caused Pucky to react with a lightning swiftness and attack.
"The lightning swiftness of your mind never fails to astonish me."
It retaliated with lightning swiftness, pecking him sharply in the side.
With lightning swiftness, he reached across the table, and his long fingers bit into the soft flesh of her arms.
And always ready to lash out with lightning swiftness.
With a new lightning swiftness he weighed all the alternatives and their possible results.