He let the body fall as lightning burst.
A lightning burst of electrical energy from an electrode dropped the startled gunman before he could even think about leveling his rifle.
Then the lightning burst faded, and the figure stalked into the crypt.
Abruptly there returned the chilling sensation that had earlier pulsed through Imel during the lightning burst.
Another flash of the revealing lightning burst.
What he actually did was fling his cloak folds across his eyes to ward off the blinding effect of the lightning burst.
In between, like a landscape quickly revealed in lightning bursts, he saw the Khmer Rouge camp that had been his home for nearly two years.
He was the center of a tornado of blows, cracking about him like lightning bursts.
Another lightning burst revealed the buffalo guns bobbing in the handmade saddle scabbard.
The lightning burst of fury drained away.