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His light vessels would be little more than a feather in this balance of forces.
How effective a primitive light vessel may have been is a matter of speculation.
The Cossacks developed a large fleet of fast light vessels.
This effort simultaneously made it possible to take the light vessel 'Bremen'out of service.
Walk into the church and you will find yourself in a vast, very tall, very light vessel.
Eventually the signals were seen by the master of the Haisbro light vessel.
They pose no dangers to light vessels and attract lots of tourists.
A thousand picked underwater fighters will be loaded aboard the light vessels.
The enemy gave chase, but our smaller, lighter vessel steadily pulled away, increasing the distance between us.
Broadcasting from an old light vessel, the station transmitted sixties music and memories twenty-four hours a day all week.
Once out of sight, she turned and approached the brightly lit vessel in dense fog.
The 3 brilliantly lit vessels appeared on the screens of Green Sector.
The master of the light vessel gave Blogg a bearing and reported that more flares had been seen an hour earlier.
They met another-a light vessel no larger than theship, but this time a war boat, a hunter.
It was a perilous crossing, for the brown current snatched at the light vessels and whirled them downstream.
She was installed in 1945 as a permanent replacement for the bombed and damaged light vessel Kiel.
Several lighter vessels and pearling luggers were also sunk or wrecked.
It was a light vessel, capable of carrying just a ton of crew and freight, designed for speed.
Until recent times ships used to lie at anchor below to off load onto lighter vessels for transport to Carmarthen.
Particularly from the lighter vessels . . . Decision crystalized.
The lighted vessel vibrated, and broke in her soul, the light fell, struggled, and went dark.
Trevellion turned as his navigating officer came up behind him: 'Course set for the Falls light vessel, sir.
The fleet consisted of triremes, quadriremes and liburnians (light vessels).
As the light vessel approached the shore near Herculaneum, cinders and pumice began to fall on it.
Ling Cao then advanced further on a light vessel, but was killed by a stray arrow in the midst of battle.