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It was some sort of light emission, that much he could see.
And just in the last few years, people have observed light emission from these bubbles.
Light emission from a fire forms an image of the flame at a particular instant.
It is used to map the physical characteristics of light emission for use in functional systems.
The above picture shows the visible light emission spectrum for hydrogen.
Bioluminescence is the process of light emission in living organisms.
For most machines, the raw data is a curve that represents light emissions.
This light emission is based on the nonlinear optical principle.
Electromagnetic transmission includes light emissions traveling in a straight line.
Where potential gradients are used to create excited states that decay by light emission.
Only about 75 micrometers thick layer of the gas is responsible for the light emission.
Levêque's officers noticed the cloud's light emission level was increasing.
These additives increase the visible blue light emissions significantly.
Mechanoluminescence is light emission resulting from any mechanical action on a solid.
Often it accompanies light emission from excited atoms or molecules in the gas.
But, obviously, light emissions on their own don't actually say anything about a DNA base.
As the light emission fades, these electrons are likewise released back into the tube.
It is the prosthetic group in the protein aequorin responsible for the blue light emission.
The light emission tracks the kinetic progress of the underlying chemical reaction.
When a source, such as a remote control device, is shined onto the card, it has a visible light emission.
In 1937, the explanations for the light emission have been with the favoritism through electrical discharges.
Mirrors and lenses are important in imaging observations to focus light emissions to one focal point to display a whole image.
Oleg Losev observed similar light emission in 1922 but at the time the effect had no practical use.
Several theories say that the location of light emission is in the liquid instead of inside the bubble.
"Comparing the proteins from two different genuses should make it easier to understand how light emission occurs," he said.