Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
He finally returned to work in May 1964, and worked for 18 months on light duties.
I think those boys'll only be fit for light duties today.
Unless he dropped somebody, of course, at which point they'd have to consider transferring him to light duties.
You're supposed to be on light duties, not operational!
The last five years were on veteran lighter duties.
The crew of Atlantis had a day of light duties.
Thames Water Utilities wanted to put him on light duties.
Fortunately, he made sure she was spared the worst and given light duties.'
He was later promoted to corporal, and took on lighter duties at the brigade headquarters.
'The Met can only support so many people on light duties.'
Speziale returned to work the following day but was assigned light duties.
J70s were used for light duties, such as branch line work and dock shunting.
But there is no escape for non-runners, who are required to sign up for light duties.
I've put him on light duties outdoors.
At present, June 2009, it is restricted to light duties while awaiting repairs to hydraulic cooling system.
"You could assume light duties as a paramedic."
Even the return of Firstmate to light duties hadn't spoiled things with the men.
I was put on light duties.
Multi-Man was subsequently given some light duties in the Slab for his assistance.
So much for so-called light duties.
In 2004, a 93-year old Wooden stated that he wouldn't mind coming back as an assistant who could help players with practices and other light duties.
A self-propelled burro crane used for light duties.
Like the other Hemings children, Harriet had light duties as a child, which she spent mostly with her mother.
Most of the record-keeping violations were for not recording restricted work days," when injured workers are given lighter duties.
I dare say half the idlers are more or less ruptured: that is why we give them the lighter duties.'