It works fine in Lowell, he said, and "the life-cycle cost is estimated to be the same, or even lower, than a diesel bus."
Asset management is maintaining a desired level of service for what you want your assets to provide at the lowest life-cycle cost.
In 2005 re-plan, the life-cycle cost of the project was estimated at about US$4.5 billion.
Performance per watt also typically does not include full life-cycle costs.
This has a significant impact on the life-cycle costs of structures and limits the effective use of resources.
These products use less energy and reduce life-cycle costs, ultimately saving taxpayers' dollars.
Arrow 3 may have a reduced 30-year life-cycle cost.
They are the most costly to install, but have relatively low life-cycle costs, making them economically viable over time.
Most types of masonry typically will not require painting and so can provide a structure with reduced life-cycle costs.
Economy should be evaluated in terms of the life-cycle cost of the structure whenever possible.