The grant of arms was made by letters patent dated 7 November 1910.
The title was confirmed by letters patent dated 15 May 1974.
These were duly made by letters patent dated 31 May 1924.
The status was granted to the entire district by letters patent dated 9 July 1974.
The acquisition of the college was confirmed by letters patent dated 1677 and 1681.
The status was formally granted by letters patent dated 1 June 2012.
The parish was once again granted city status by letters patent dated 1 April 2009.
The town is one of the original towns in the county and was created in 1788 from a patent dated 1761.
The arms were registered at the college of arms by letters patent dated 20 October 1914.
According to letters patent dated February 1960, their official family name was Windsor.