Bruth the Baker was charged with having struck a citizen of a foreign government on the head with a potentially lethal instrument, produced in evidence.
Wotherspoon said: 'Is one allowed to ask how you so conveniently came by this lethal instrument?'
He was like a new sort of lethal instrument; if a finger were to touch any part of him, it would release the trigger.
His opening salvo is aimed at destroying the concept of assault weapons as lethal, military-style instruments.
In Liandra, he possessed the most lethal instrument for retaliation.
Gooch's car was described as a lethal instrument which claimed the lives of five innocent young people.
Did this call for lethal instruments?
Morley distributed the lethal instruments and flares and rehearsed everyone on using them.
The civil case, he said, seeks to remove the car, which, in the hands of a drunken driver, is seen as a potentially lethal instrument.
The new systems are not in any way less lethal instruments of death than the current land mines.