Up to 12 cameras in four positions, or a single camera with a 100 in (2.5 m) focal length lens, could be carried.
Nikon made a small number of longer focal length lenses specifically designed to focus properly when mounted on a Contax.
Thus any focal length lens mounted on a view camera or field camera, and many press cameras can be used with perspective control.
This distortion can be reduced by using a swing-lens camera with a standard focal length lens.
Regular wide angle lenses (meaning short focal length lenses) need to be mounted close to the film.
This does cause a problem in that you need shorter focal length lenses to obtain the same effect.
Four versions (H1-H4) for use with specific focal length lenses.
The 85mm focal length lens is also available from third party manufacturers.
It should have a single focal length lens and automatic focus, flash, exposure, film wind and rewind.
Two carried a pair of F24 cameras with 8-inch focal length lenses.