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But they said that in any event the Administration's position carries no legal weight.
But the Governor said the promise carried no legal weight.
The resolution, the first of its kind in the country, carries no legal weight.
But the judge's opinion carries no legal weight in Israel.
All countries need to take on commitments that have equal legal weight.
The statement carries no legal weight and does not become part of the Council's permanent record.
This Guide is advisory only, and carries no legal weight.
The truck was not carrying over the legal weight limit of steel.
The doctors' association's policy carries no legal weight, and the group did not specify whether action should be taken at the state or Federal level.
This letter will have moral rather than legal weight.
The referendum carried no legal weight but caused Congress to reconsider.
Increased axle lengths beyond these do not increase maximum legal weight.
The House today turned back a proposal that would have given digital contracts the legal weight of ink and paper.
Its opinions carry no legal weight but, as a practical matter, are often heeded.
That voluntary move gained legal weight in 1998 when it became part of the companies' settlement with the attorneys general.
These certifications hold great legal weight and are required in most states as a prerequisite to doing business there.
But he conceded that the resolution that was passed had no legal weight.
And as we are interdependent, what we promise to do must have the same legal weight.
Employees of the institution are generally not familiar with this information; only the written document carries legal weight.
But as he readily admitted, such documents - even when drawn up by a lawyer - often carry little legal weight.
The car was below the legal weight limit.
Dissenting opinions carry no legal weight or precedent, but they can set the argument for future cases.
This interpretation of the treaty is just one of many possible and holds no legal weight.
While the advice carries no legal weight, it has vast power to shape public opinion and political support for especially controversial nominees.
A petition demanding both, which the tax protesters are circulating statewide, has no legal weight.