That leaves only domestic taxpayers, who now save about $220 billion.
During its tenure, the debt increased, leaving taxpayers to pay off nearly 24 trillion as of 2009.
The loans went bad and the Government bought them from the banks, leaving taxpayers to pick up the tab.
All together, the governor's office says, the tax cuts have left taxpayers with $15 billion more to save or to spend to keep the economy rolling.
These institutions continue to lose money spending while leaving taxpayers on the hook for these losses.
They say the premiums are too low to cover the claims, leaving taxpayers to foot the bill.
The reason, the new findings suggest, is that a rise in income may leave taxpayers with an unexpectedly large tax bill.
But simply pouring money into the fund - without fixing the industry so it can pay its own way - would leave taxpayers exposed.
"It would be extremely worrying if the incompetence of ministers and authorities responsible have left taxpayers with a big legal bill."
That strategy has sometimes backfired in recent years, leaving taxpayers on the hook for even more debt.