At this time he was also a popular and leading actor at Oldham Theatre Workshop, under the guidance of David Johnson.
From about 1772 to 1802 William Woods was the favourite and leading actor on the Edinburgh stage.
Norman Rodway, for many years a leading actor with the Royal Shakespeare Company, died on March 13 in Banbury, Oxfordshire.
The film was also notable for fame director Joshiy teaming up with two of the most leading actors in Malayalam cinema.
Denzel Washington and Will Smith, who are black, regularly star in big-budget movies, but no younger leading black actors are being cast.
Washington is the main scene, politicians and their allies the leading actors.
Having emerged from the international isolation of the apartheid era, South Africa has become a leading international actor.
Sweeter Dreams - A multimedia play about an independent filmmaker in a love triangle with her husband and her leading actor.
The role solidified Jung as a leading Korean actor and was also based on his real-life experience as a high school dropout.
She was born in Vienna as the daughter of Eugen Burg, a leading German actor.