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Each object led the eye back to the still figure beyond the purple glass.
It leads the eyes inward, and ultimately reveals nothing clearly.
His perspectives led the eye obsessively to some place out of reach, that he could long for but not have.
Round a corner, views lead the eye to the sea, or pieces of art leap out at you.
Chase leads the eye down a narrow path along which a woman walks with water from a well.
The lower part of the paintings are usually darker in color which leads the eye to the upper section where the woman's face is.
The goods in the window, and other materials used to enhance the display, should create lines which lead the eye to focus on the products.
The rising light had been meant to lead the eye upward to the contemplation of the divine.
Its jagged edge leads the eye to the rocks, sea and mountains in the distance.
Lighting leads the eye and makes the composition onstage.
She built a hefty 132-foot ladder, which remains parallel to the ground but leads the eye toward the tree.
The emerald green blades, edged with gold, led the eye around the border's curve.
A series of curving, pointed pediments on the lower levels lead the eye up to the first platform.
Regimented bushes led the eye, willing or not, into remorseless perspectives.
It was only line and plane, a geometrical abstraction that led the eye upward to the sky.
The horizontal lines used in his other paintings to create a sense of order here lead the eye through the painting with increasing unease.
Nosegays and trailing ribbons led the eye on a merry chase.
The property dipped, leading the eye down to the pond, a hundred-foot disc of green water set out in full light.
Projecting pavilions at the angles lead the eye to the richly decorated center.
Entire business processes or industry sectors can be made relevant to a new audience through a guidance design technique that leads the eye.
More thick dry stone arches connect the two ruins and lead the eye into a singular landscape.
Cunningly planted trees lead the eye upwards, towards the brilliant blue of the sky.
It leads the eye on and ensures that the conservatory feels part of the rest of the house.
On the other side, a curving pale blue wall, which leads the eye toward the rear, is covered in wallpaper maps of the earth.
An ethereal gesture that leads the eye from this miniature representation of the earth to the mountains and sky beyond.