In fact, these so-called "frivolous lawsuits" have led some activists and politicians to push for tort reform.
But suddenly leading Lebanese politicians are issuing warnings about the likelihood that the military will splinter along factional lines.
On Monday, after numerous false starts, plans were announced for leading Iraqi politicians to join an interim government later this month.
This led critical media and politicians to claim the final building was "ten times over budget".
For too long, they said, that assumption has led Democratic politicians to take them for granted, ignoring the needs of black neighborhoods around the country.
This debate would notably lead economists, politicians and other parties to explore the question of computational complexity.
Almost yearly, leading Japanese politicians risk diplomatic incidents with neighboring countries by publicly honoring the country's fallen soldiers.
Their objections led politicians in Washington to hold a meeting earlier this month to rethink the country's failed drugs policies.
Present were leading political activists and politicians representing the broad spectrum of public opinion in the Muslim world.
The public outcry has led politicians across the country to promise mandatory cuts in premiums and other reforms.