Is this lazy reporting or a gentleman's agreement not to hurt any computer company's stock price?
So the Guardian is back peddling from its inaccurate and lazy reporting earlier on?
There was a lot of lazy reporting done by the British and American media which made celebrities out of these armchair warriors.
Sometimes that's fine, but sometimes it strikes me as lazy reporting.
Just lazy reporting.
If it's not the lazy wildy innacurate reporting of the Suarez Evra stitch up then it's this ultra sloppy rehash.
O'Reilly was quick to correct this thinking, pointing out that, far from being lazy reporting, this was deliberate branding by liberal editors.
Brent Cunningham, the managing editor of Columbia Journalism Review, argues that objectivity excuses lazy reporting.
J - 8 days ago This is a meaningless article and lazy reporting.
It can occur with lazy or sloppy reporting just as easily as the active self-censorship of legitimate criticism.