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Parliament as the law-making body does not take part in the local administration of its laws.
With the votes not present, why continue to tie up the country's law-making body?
The law-making body's opening today marks the Philippines' return to full representative democracy.
It is the governing and law-making body for rugby globally.
In the fourteenth century Parliament emerged as an effective, if not supreme, law-making body.
The head of state and head of government are separate from the country's law-making body.
Proponents of the change say the council continues to be the tribe's supreme law-making body and can act as it pleases.
Petition to a legislature or other law-making body for a change in the law if a law is thought to be unjust.
Together the two chambers make up the law-making body in Nigeria called the National Assembly.
Lobbyists are professional advocates who are present at every political event representing interest groups or causes before the law-making bodies.
A House of Representatives is a part of some legislatures, which are law-making bodies.
The municipal assembly (Gemeindeversammlung), is the law-making body (legislature).
The federal law-making body of Canada is the Parliament of Canada.
Indians could now be elected to the Central Legislative Assembly, the law-making body of India.
Dr. Sakharov, greeted reverentally by the crowd, demanded that the new 2,250-member congress be the nation's sole law-making body.
It is not acceptable that the EU’s most important law-making body, the Council, still meets behind closed doors when acting as a legislator.
As a law-making body, it is thus legally subordinate to the Legislative Assembly of Tonga.
The Virginia General Assembly is described as "the oldest continuous law-making body in the New World."
The Parliament has been the union's permanent law-making body, distinct from the larger Congress, which would still be doomed under the latest draft of the emergency plan.
Opponents of the regime were harshly suppressed, while the Ba'ath Party replaced parliament as law-making body and other parties were banned.
As a corporation, the institution is governed by a Board of Trustees which is the law-making body of the Polytechnic.
"And you said that Congress was no longer primarily a deliberative or even a law-making body," Mr. Kohl pressed Judge Thomas.
According to Pavlov, the text had changed substantially to the one he had last seen and which the Supreme Soviet, the Union's highest law-making body, had approved.
In countries that derive their legal tradition from the United Kingdom, the legal tradition is that Parliament is the supreme law-making body in the country.
The Suva City Council is the municipal law-making body of the city of Suva, Fiji's capital.