There were no injuries, as the ship was evacuated for launch operations.
Our current scenario calls for launch operations to commence at 1200 hours today.
Ten Tomcats are aloft now, sir, and they're continuing launch operations from their waist cats.
Jay F. Honeycutt was named president and will be responsible for all programs and commercial launch operations.
These projects included studies on lightning strikes and how the associated magnetism could affect launch operations for the shuttle fleet.
The new regulation was made in anticipation of planned commercial reusable launch operations including the American companies listed above.
The towers are not used in unmanned launch operations, as all systems are automated, and no access to the rocket is required.
The carriers were racing east now at thirty knots to make up the distance lost during launch operations.
Due, however, to the interference with launch operations while on the move, missiles can be fired only when the system is in a stationary position.
Coordinates and implements Wing-level policies and procedures which provide the structure for launch operations.