I rent what we both laughingly refer to as an efficiency apartment above his antiques ("New & Used") store.
Been working on it in what I laughingly refer to as my spare time.
She laughingly refers to this time as proving to her that she "is a musician".
The Government laughingly refer to a YT guarantee for every young person.
You know where you stand with this lady, who laughingly refers to herself as: "Miss Ferocious.
I shouldn't even be here, really, even if it is on what I laughingly refer to as my own time.
They can laughingly refer to themselves as "gear geeks" or "motorheads."
Her "partner in crime," as she laughingly referred to him later, exhibited no reaction to her "we're going to be married" line.
"I laughingly refer to it as 30 years in the gulag," Ms. Nasatir said.
Nolan Miller laughingly refers to this clothing as his "leftovers."