He finally gave way to his feelings and laughed giddily.
Skif laughed giddily, feeling as if he had drunk two whole bottles of that fabulous wine all by himself.
Lying on his back in the cool dirt, he listened to the shower running and laughed giddily.
He fouls the air with vituperation, soils his bedclothes, whimpers, thunders and laughs giddily for no reason or rhyme known to the rational mind.
She laughed giddily, and fired from the hip.
Ava, 22 months, laughed giddily.
We laughed giddily as Sue raised the bars to 3 foot 10, 3 foot 11, higher than we'd ever jumped.
Ivan laughed giddily at the idea.
Realizing that he may actually escape from Hell, he is overcome by joy and laughs giddily.
Laughing giddily, Andy made a grab for Kermit.