She laughed coldly, staring back at him, her dislike unconcealed.
He laughed coldly, his eyes burning now with an intensity that frightened her.
He laughed coldly, then moved past Chen, slipping the card into a slot beneath one of the empty screens.
Frost laughed coldly as he saw the fright in Harry's bulging eyes.
- No peace until the end of the system, eh, she laughed coldly.
Mrs. Miles laughed coldly and spat after the receding back.
After a moment he laughed coldly, then, speaking to the house computer, said, "Play this item from the beginning."
Kaeritha said nothing, but the other woman saw the question in her eyes and laughed coldly.
"The old ploy with the volcano and the spaceship," John laughed coldly.
Jason laughed coldly and looked around for a chair.