Even after the last-minute victory was salvaged, Mara was not exactly effervescent about the players' overall commitment.
During that time, the Hawkeyes scored two thrilling, last-minute victories as America's top team.
The Knicks, who escaped with last-minute victories in their previous two games, could not get away tonight and are no longer unbeaten.
The Jets are riding an emotional high after a last-minute victory over the Dolphins on Monday night.
Washington is the other state where Democrats think they might snatch a last-minute victory.
Television replays did not make it much easier to tell what happened to Tampa Bay's chances for a last-minute victory.
Several last-minute victories foreshadowed that her streak would not last forever.
Brown led the Giants to last-minute victories in three of their last four games.
More than anything, those last-minute victories may have made the team believe in Brown.
I really thought they were going to pull off a last-minute victory.