Two larger-than-life sculptures (one 12 feet tall) will immortalize Porter Rockwell.
The road from Interstate 295, which seems headed for nothing more enticing than a wasteland of industrial parks on the bedraggled outskirts of Trenton, turns out to be lined with larger-than-life contemporary sculptures, including a superrealistic molar as big as a bungalow.
Ryan Johnson's "Rendezvous" is a little too deep into Tom Friedman's exquisitely crafted territory, but this larger-than-life construction-paper sculpture, which depicts a reluctant adolescent suitor about to surprise someone with flowers pulled from a nearby garden, is impeccably done.
In the following decade she took commissions for more than 10 larger-than-life sculptures in public parks and buildings.
The park's name stems from the many larger-than-life sculptures, some sculpted in the bedrock, which populate this predominantly barren landscape.
The twelve niches created by Borromini's architecture were left empty for decades until 1703 when Pope Clement XI encouraged the completion of the decoration, by sponsoring a competition to select the designs for larger-than-life sculptures of the apostles.
In this podcast recorded on October 12, 1995, at the National Gallery of Art, Oldenburg and Van Bruggen discuss the design and installation of their larger-than-life sculptures.
Each of the four doors was originally topped by a larger-than-life sculpture of king Wat'ul Chatel.
The City Council commissioned a larger-than-life sculpture by a renowned Chicago artist, Erik Blome.
The Karoonda Development Group instigated and built this larger-than-life sculpture of a Merino ram in the park in the main street to emphasise this.