The 1980 Staggers Rail Act largely deregulated the U.S. railroads.
Now, the nation's leading accreditation agency for business education - the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business - is proposing to largely deregulate the schools.
Clear Channel was a small collection of stations until 1996, when Congress largely deregulated the industry and lifted many of the longstanding restrictions on how many stations a single company could own.
The cap used to be 25 percent but was raised to 35 percent as part of legislation that largely deregulated the telecommunications industry three years ago.
In many ways, yesterday's deal is a result of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which largely deregulated the industry.
In 1999, rates were deregulated and left largely to the discretion of cable operators.
About half that foreign investment came the last two years, after Argentina largely deregulated telecommunications.
The freight industry continued its decline until Congress passed the Staggers Rail Act in 1980, which largely deregulated the rail industry.
Overruling a Parliamentary committee and the national regulator, Canada's Conservative government announced Wednesday that it was largely deregulating the country's telephone market.
We have just put an end to public control of postal services, or we shall be ending it tomorrow, to replace it with a largely deregulated postal market.