In 2012 a St. Martin's Day Celebration was held in St. Paul, Minnesota with a traditional lantern procession around Rice Park.
The festival's opening event was a lantern procession of local schoolchildren.
The around-the-clock event features hundreds of world music, jazz and traditional performers playing at up to seven different venues, as well as workshops, a lantern procession, and a midnight drum circle.
Today the holiday is marked by colorful lantern processions and displays.
This year, skaters whizzing around the other-worldly landmark can sample the unusual Cornish-Alpine theme, combining cones of roasted chestnuts with lantern processions.
In late January the Bo Sang Umbrella Festival (thêtsàkaan rôm) features a colourful umbrella procession during the day and a night-time lantern procession.
This festival of legends and lanterns celebrates the local tale with story-telling and lantern-making workshops culminating in a lantern procession and firework display on Saturday February 21.
At ten o'clock at night, the Virgen Blanca brotherhood is in charge of organizing a lantern procession.
They also have lantern processions, for which children make lanterns out of beets.
In recent years, the lantern processions have become widespread as a popular ritual, even in Protestant areas of Germany and the Netherlands.