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"At least part of the problem there was due to a lack of intervention to drive down the value of the dollar."
"They want all these cellphones users to feel comfortable," he said of the lack of intervention by a business's managers.
However, I could find no rationale, no purpose, no excuse for the lack of intervention in your case.
Lack of intervention makes treating neglected diseases a priority, though efforts to do so are chronically underfunded.
Ender, driven to defend himself because of the administration's lack of intervention, kills Bonzo to end the conflict.
Many traders may interpret this lack of intervention as an acceptance of the higher level of the dollar unless large dollar selling begins again soon.
Cursing the betrayal, and lack of intervention by Eilistrae, she renounces her faith yet again, returning to the darkness of Lolth.
Federal Funds Rate Down The Federal Reserve surprised some dealers again by its lack of intervention in the market for the second consecutive day.
"Mubarak's lack of intervention until in a late stage in attempts to present Khatir as a martyred hero hampered efforts to reach an accord on Taba.
Many Iranians believe the lack of intervention and the sympathetic remarks about the revolution by high-level American officials indicate the U.S. "was responsible for Khomeini's victory."
The dollar firmed in midweek, but then fell further as bearish statements from Japan and a lack of intervention from West Germany and the United States to halt the slide traders made uneasy.
Ayrshire's four Labour MPs - George Foulkes, Willie McKelvey, Brian Wilson and Brian Donohoe - all attacked the Scottish Office's lack of intervention.
I can't understand why the concerns of Doctor's regarding the implants weren't acted upon when first noted, and how many thousands of women have been needlessly affected based on the lack of intervention by the relevant authorities.
Using a minimalist approach and an absurd interpretation of this harsh reality, the play criticizes not only the occupational war policies, but also the lack of intervention on part of the Arab and Western world.
In August 1995, the SCNC petitioned the UN to intervene and mediate between them and the government of Cameroon warning that a lack of intervention would create "another Somalia".
Some of them did, in fact; brawling in the "streets" between the wagons in a display of undiscipline that should have shamed them, but which seemed, from the lack of intervention by the officers, to be standard behavior.
Analysts at MMS International, an economic information service company, noted in their daily market commentary that the "lack of intervention is a surprise, but is not policy-related," adding, "The softness in the funds rate should only be temporary."
The New York Times Celia Dugger reported that witnesses were "dismayed by the lack of intervention from local police", who often "watched the events taking place and took no action against the attacks on Muslims and their property".
Cases in which Perry has been criticized for his lack of intervention include those of Cameron Todd Willingham, Frances Newton, and Mexican nationals José Medellín and Humberto Leal Garcia.
Laissez-faire advocates do not oppose monopolies unless they maintain their existence through coercion to prevent competition (see coercive monopoly), and often assert that monopolies have historically developed only because of government intervention rather than due to a lack of intervention.
There is indignation about what is happening and the lack of intervention, but there is also indignation about the known causes, the conflict over spurious strategies and indeed the continuing de facto support of dictators like Mobutu Sese Seko.
The newspaper additionally noted that "lawyers and legal scholars agreed that the hire, coupled with the lack of intervention by the USC compliance staff, underscores the NCAA's larger determination that there was a pattern of administrators and coaches failing to be vigilant about the rules."
We cannot allow a lack of intervention on our part to cancel out previous achievements in the areas of poverty and exclusion, and we cannot allow a situation to arise in which, instead of the current hundred million people living in extreme poverty, we have a billion people in such a position.
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