Once he put a broody hen on a clutch of eggs and ten little chicks hatched out.
Then why were you carrying on like a broody hen?
Some were left to the broody hens, but others supplied the cooks.
But, you make me feel like a broody hen with a nest with one egg in it.
Perhaps, if there was a common broody hen in the yard, she might be a steady foster-mother.
Like a broody hen, she roosted on the settee across from him.
Far to the west, at the edge of the moor, the village squatted like a broody hen.
The broody hens were taken and the young pheasants ignored.
What makes this summer different on this small farm is the presence of a broody hen.
How did he sit in endless meetings, listening to people avoid problems or puff themselves up like broody hens.