The company had a poor security culture and airline captains were forced to shift numbers in flight logs.
I found the flight log, but not the arm.
"It's obvious that bank records or flight logs would be important documents," this official said.
DeCelles kept his flight log, according to the article, but he did not file a report with authorities.
We'll have the Swiss pull info on the ownership and the flight logs for the rest of their fleet.
She retrieved a copy of the station's flight logs.
What follows is a flight log of sorts from a day in the Peanut gallery.
His flight log describes him as 1.77 meters (5 feet 10 inches) tall, with blue eyes and light blond hair.
We can check the flight logs at the spaceport from my offices, and that may be of assistance.
I know from your flight log that you lifted off ahead of schedule.