Then they saw their first wild Japanese ginger and lost their hearts, all over again, to foreigners.
I pounded and ground, and the deep, musky smell of wild ginger filled the room.
Learn how to grow, cultivate, and maintain European wild ginger successfully.
The wild ginger is one among the 80 members of Zingiberaceae family of plants.
Occasionally he would stop and indicate a plant, such as wild ginger or the rare pitcher plants unique to this area.
Asarum lemmonii is a species of wild ginger which is endemic to California.
It is known by the common name Lemmon's wild ginger.
The plant is called wild ginger because the rhizome tastes and smells similar to ginger root, but the two are not particularly related.
Other plant life found at the park include bloodroot, wild ginger, and American Lotus.
I took down three jars: catmint, valerian, and wild ginger.