A large shopping complex was opened next to the station in November 2003.
There is a 20-stall food court on the fourth floor of this shopping complex.
The church has a shopping complex and a community hall along with it.
A major shopping complex is said to be on fire.
The restaurant is at the outside and left back corner of the shopping complex, on the lower level.
There is a small car park out the front of the shopping complex, with a public pay phone as well.
The shopping complex is located next to the weekend market.
A shopping complex has been added, but no stores are present.
If you ask me she didn't give a monkey's about the shopping complex or the money.
It is now a cinema and out of town shopping complex.
The business complex will have an entrance hall, rich with contents such as shops, banks and galleries.
Despite attempts to preserve the school the land was sold and is now a business complex.
This has forced the city of 6,700 to work at reinventing itself, in part by developing a municipal industrial park and a nearby business complex.
All the trees came down, and they built business complexes or town houses," he said.
Provide coverage to a large office or business complex or campus.
Montgomery Park, as the new $75 million office and business complex will be called, is an eight-story reinforced-concrete building with 143,000 square feet per floor.
In February 1910, local investors abandoned the idea of building the club and adjacent business complex.
In 2012, the Moscow-24 TV channel shot a movie about the business complex.
"I don't feel a great desire to be part of the big financial and business complex," she added.
With various associate structures it represents a modern sports and business complex.