Every cell on earth is part of a line of ancestry that traces from the very first primordial cell.
The process by which primordial cells wake up is known as initial recruitment.
Embryonic stem cells are primordial cells that have the potential to grow into any cell or tissue in the body.
Cells of the primordium are called primordial cells.
Each of the body's 210 types of tissue is derived from a few all-purpose, primordial cells created in the early embryo.
At the same time, the four blocks of primordial cells that make up each electric organ rapidly coalesce together.
Stem cells, the primordial cells from which all others emerge, have the ability to divide indefinitely and offer breakthroughs in treating serious disease.
The primordial cells can give rise to all kinds of human tissue, making them potentially priceless as a tool to repair aging and ailing bodies.
These primordial cells, isolated from embryos, can turn into any of the body's different cell types.