The marrow cells in question cling to narrow fibrous bands inside the bone.
That raised the question of whether a donor's marrow cells might also help people with muscular dystrophy.
Monocytes comprising 5% to 10% of marrow cells (30% or more in some patients).
The patient's immune system could savagely attack the foreign marrow cells, eliminating them.
Then, the marrow cells have to mature and develop into disease fighting white blood cells.
Then, the scientists dripped human marrow cells into the slender veins of the mice.
Now, however, a registry has been set up to help patients find strangers willing and able to donate healthy marrow cells.
Using electron microscopy, they saw the virus inside the marrow cells.
He suggested that the immature marrow cells could engulf the virus.
Her marrow cells are reinjected, and the real drama begins.