For a brief moment after the attacks, Hollywood was a kinder, gentler place.
Despite dwindling opportunities, many artists report that the 90's art world is a kinder, gentler place where basic virtues - remember friendship?
Some transport me more than others, but the destination is always to a kinder place that does wonders for my usually unsettled state of mind.
His enthusiastic commitment to the issues of hunger, arts education and just making Long Island a kinder place made others care, too.
Or is New York becoming a kinder place?
Wouldn't the world be a kinder and gentler place if we all followed Sister Barbara's example?
Or would the world be a safer, kinder place if Luis was hacked to bits?
May you have moments of peace and know the joy of making your corner of the world a kinder place in 2008.
She shook her head to clear it, but when she looked up, she was in some strange, kinder place.
If all such feelings were made felonies, the world would quickly become a kinder, gentler place.