"I kept exclaiming to my husband, 'What a terrible fix I am in,' " she said yesterday.
Meanwhile Andrea and the two executioners were struggling on the ground, and he kept exclaiming, "He ought to die!
When poor Alfred, seeing that he was losing her, he did not know how, kept exclaiming: "Oh, here's a jolly one!
Luna kept exclaiming as she saw the interactions of their auras, and Orb as she heard their separate yet interactive melodies.
As he pulled and tugged and wrenched, he kept exclaiming with every expulsion of breath, "Beasts!"
As long as any part of me remained in his dominion, and in his view, the king kept exclaiming, 'I see you.'
As we lounged in the speckled shade, gazing at the mossy rocks and trees on the opposite bank, my companions kept exclaiming, "What could be more wonderful!"
Over lunch, Linda kept exclaiming about how great I looked.
With his strange, wild, Indian gesture he kept exclaiming, 'He's the best corporal we've got!'
She kept exclaiming about how tall they were.