The school's executive staff includes the headmaster, 77 faculty and 35 supporting staff.
Tonight, your children will be playing for the ambassadors of these nations along with their executive staffs.
And half of my executive secretarial staff are black women that are wonderful.
You brought me here because you no longer trust your executive staff.
He had been on the First Admiral's executive staff for eighteen months, and in that time hadn't made a single mistake.
Significantly, the overall budget for our executive staff has been substantially reduced this year.
You and your people are not to discuss this topic with any unauthorized individuals, including certain members of my executive staff.
Ms. Lawrence was standing in the doorway, the leading light of his executive secretarial staff.
About 80 people - mainly relatives and members of his executive staff - looked on.
Athletics have come in second to ego-driven rivalries between a 123-member policy board of volunteers and a 500-member paid executive staff.