She looked around the table at the rest of the senior staff.
In fact, his whole senior staff was out to get him.
A number of other senior staff also left at about the same time.
He looked at each of his senior staff in turn.
I have asked you senior staff here for a special reason.
On this matter, I can use the full senior staff.
I have met with the senior staff to review our situation.
"With senior staff, when you really need to get away from the office and have a private conversation."
"I think you will make a fine addition to the senior staff."
The major media decisions were all made by a group of senior staff.
There are also management staff to help with the running of the Union.
The company's management staff now numbers 4,350, down 27 percent in four years.
His role, he said, was "to hire a management staff that could, as we say in the business, take the company to the next level."
The rest will come from nonunion workers and management staff.
Finally, most students enter the Ministry, as technical management staff.
Ten players and management staff left at the end of the 2010 season.
I've asked the management staff to put forward their goals and let people know what they are, so we can be held accountable.
The management staff below does not know what is going on above.
Just three agencies reported that records management staff have a major role in setting policies.
He cut the general management staff to 150 executives from 350.
It doesn't have a single woman professional, and there is little, if any, ethnic diversity among its managerial staff.
They are assisted by other senior legal, managerial and administrative staff.
After a rotation of managerial staff over the past year Paul Baker has made a welcome return as manager.
The company announced that it would try to save money by eliminating 3,000 management positions, almost 20 percent of its managerial staff.
Academic staff, managerial staff and students are all served from the same kitchen.
In most corporations, however, many of the managerial staff are former union members.
Most of these employers take their managerial staff from my parents generation.
In the 2007-2008 offseason, the Pirates overhauled their managerial staff.
The figure that he quoted concerns only managerial staff.
Chrysler has already suspended production at one of its main assembly plants and cut back on managerial staff.