The only constitutional experts who spoke today were men who have strong credentials among conservative legal theorists.
Evers' ideas have found a continued reception among Russian legal theorists.
Some legal theorists say Lehman and other banks that finance the industry can be held accountable under the law passed by Congress in 1994.
Many early international legal theorists were concerned with axiomatic truths thought to be reposed in natural law.
Hutchinson is a legal theorist and has devoted a lot of time to examining the failure of law.
Jack Knight is a renowned political scientist and legal theorist.
Philosophers, legal theorists and even literature professors are reconsidering what place the emotions should have in law.
As a legal theorist, Betti is close to interpretivism.
Because of this substantial uncertainty, most legal theorists find the theory to be unworkable in practice.
Attempts have been made to introduce definitions but there is no general consensus among political and legal theorists.