The jurors view each artist's slides on 8-foot-tall screens and vote on who should be admitted to the fair.
But whether jurors viewed Mr. Jackson's fame favorably is unclear.
The panel included four jurors in occupations generally viewed as fostering sympathy for law-enforcement officials.
He asked that the videotape be destroyed after the grand jurors (including any who would be absent on Aug. 17) had viewed it.
The jurors viewed more than five hours of the deposition today on five television monitors set up in the courtroom.
On May 15, 2007, Brothers was convicted of the murders after jurors viewed 1,100 exhibits and heard testimony from 137 witnesses.
The move ends uncertainty over whether lawyers would seek to delay demolition so that eventual jurors might view the crime scene.
He said the jurors must view the incident through the eyes of an "ordinary, reasonable" officer who was in the same circumstances as the defendants.
The jurors will view slides as well as works brought to the gallery in person.
However, jurors did not view Andrew as a future danger to society and sentenced him to life in prison.